In this beginner's course (11 Language Subtitles Available), you'll learn how to generate more traffic to your businesses's website, increase your ranking on Google, generate compelling content that will drive interest and sales, create social media posts that people will want to share, and learn how to keep customers coming back. This course is for business owners, entrepreneurs, and working professionals.
After you complete this introductory course, you'll have the opportunity to dive deeper into each subject in specialized courses in the following areas: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, and How to Build a Website.
This is the most popular Digital Marketing course taught in NYC. Since 2014, I have taught the material in this course to over 80,000 small business owners in person in downtown Manhattan. I have lectured at Baruch University, the General Assembly, and for New York City Business Solutions.
I have been helping business owners, entrepreneurs and Fortune 1,000 companies since 1995. As a former business owner and former Vice President of Digital Marketing at JPMorgan Chase, I have the experience and insight to help anyone succeed with digital marketing.
Learn from the most influential digital marketer in the industry and transform your business or career today.
I am proud to announce that subtitles are available for 11 languages in my course. In total, my courses have the potential to reach 5.2 billion people worldwide—that’s 65% of the world’s 8 billion population:
English is spoken by 1.2 billion people.
Mandarin Chinese is spoken by 1.1 billion people.
Hindi is spoken by 698 million people in India. Although many Chinese are picking up the language as trade between those two countries increase.
Spanish is spoken by 512 million people.
French is spoken by 284 million people.
Bengali is spoken by 265 million people mostly in Bangladesh and West Bengal.
Russian is spoken by 258 million people.
Portuguese is spoken by 234 million people in Brazil and Portugal.
Indonesian is spoken by 200 million people in Indonesia and some parts of Malaysia.
Urdu is spoken by 170 million people mostly in Pakistan although is also commonly spoken in norther India.
Japanese is spoken by 150 million people.